Sex Crimes

A sex crime is a criminal act involving illegal sexual activities. Sex crimes rank high amongst the worst types of criminal acts as they usually involve the physical violation and sexual exploitation of the victim. This is especially true in cases where a minor (person below the legal age) is the victim. Sex crimes should always be taken seriously as they are vigorously prosecuted by law enforcement.

Any person who commits an illegal sex act can be charged with a sex crime in the state of Florida. The extent and severity of criminal charges vary case per case, but will normally depend upon the defendant’s prior criminal record, if the defendant has committed prior sex crimes, if the alleged victim is a minor, or if the alleged victim sustained bodily harm.

Sex Crime Consequences


Once a person is convicted of a domestic violence crime in South Florida, he/she can be punished with:

» jail time
» fines
» community service
» probation
» sex offender registration
» house arrest

Types of Sex Crimes


Due to the severity of the legal consequences involved, it is always to your benefit to speak with a qualified criminal defense attorney after you have been charged with a sex crime.

» statutory rape
» date rape
» spousal rape
» sexual abuse
» sexual assault
» prostitution
» pandering
» solicitation
» lewd conduct
» indecent exposure
» illegal pornography

South Florida Sex Crime Attorney


The Law Office of Michael E. Jones is a South Florida criminal defense firm servicing clients throughout Boca Raton, Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties. Criminal defense attorney, Michael E. Jones, is devoted to helping his clients contest their sex crime charges. As a committed solo practitioner, Mr. Jones strives to give each of his clients the attention and counsel they need to be successful with their sex crime matters. He will always go the extra mile for his clients and their criminal cases.

If you have been charged with a sex crime in South Florida, call or contact the Law Office of Michael E. Jones today for your free initial consultation at (954) 764-2060.